Logan Schools Cup Secondary - Round One
Friday the 24th of March saw some of the best touch players in Logan on display at McKinnon Sports Park South. Thank you to everyone involved, and a special shout out to Yarrabilba Touch for hosting the event.
To be involved in Round Two, or for more information (including photos from the event), head over to the Schools Cup page on our website or contact Lee Rossow via email: lee.rossow@qldtouch.com.au.

Logan Schools Cup Primary
We witnessed some amazing upcoming talent from Primary School children on Monday the 27th of March at McKinnon Sports Park South. Whilst we know winners are grinners, everyone left knowing they had given their all and had fun in the process, with many making new friends along the way. The event was definitely successful, and we would like to thank the support of Logan City Council and Yarrabilba State Secondary School. Without your support, this event would not have been the success it was.
For more information about the event or to check out some of the action, head to the Schools Cup page on our website.
YEAR 5/6 GIRLS WINNERS: Mount Warren State School

YEAR 5/6 BOYS WINNERS: Regents Park State School

YEAR 3/4 GIRLS WINNERS: Regents Park State School

