Yesterday saw some 400 school students participate in the Logan Schools Cup Primary at McKinnon Sports Park South, Yarrabilba.
We witnessed some incredible talent and want to thank everyone involved for playing the game in the right spirit, so that everyone could enjoy the day.

Thank you, Courtney Smith, Yarrabilba Touch and Dripz Coffee for supporting the event and providing important sustenance for participants throughout the day.

Shout out to Yarrabilba State Secondary College for once again supporting this event with student officials. You guys are amazing!!!

Thank you to the following schools for being involved:
Eagleby State School
Greenbank State School
South Rock State School
St Clare's Primary School
St Edwards Primary School
St Francis College
St Matthew's Catholic Primary School
Wynnum State School
Yarrabilba State School
Our top three finishers in the Year 3/4 Boys Division were:
St Edwards Primary School
South Rock State School

Our top four finishers in the Year 5/6 Girls Division were:
Wynnum State School - Year 5 Team
St Edwards Primary School
Wynnum State School - Year 6 Team
St Matthew's Catholic Primary School

Our top four finishers in the Year 5/6 Boys Division were:
Eagleby State School
Wynnum State School
St Matthew's Catholic Primary School
St Edwards Primary School

We hope to see many of you at the South Queensland All Schools on 7 August 2024 at Owen Park (Gold Coast Touch), Southport. For more information about this event, head to our website: HOME | South Queensland Sharks Touch Football